Located on the Hawaiian island of Kaua'i, Niumalu Beach is the perfect getaway for those who want to bask in the glory of nature. Located in the middle of the Hule'ia National Wildlife Refuge and Nawiliwili Beach Park, Niumalu Beach is part of a wildlife and botanical wonderland.
This 19th century home to the Royal Governors of Kaua'i, father and son, Paul Kanoa and Paul P. Kanoa, respectively, is a beautiful place to spend a few days or weeks living like a local or at least camping near them. Moreover, vacationing at Niumalu Beach affords the ultimate surfside pleasure: drifting off to the soothing sound and scent of the waves crashing upon the shore.
For those preferring a more active vacation, Niumalu Beach offers first-rate kayaking opportunities. For a little adventure, take to the ocean or head up Hule'ia Stream, which was featured in the famed movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Niumalu Beach is a great destination for an action-packed adventure or for those looking to get away from the action for just a little bit.